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International Students Services FAQs

ISSS cannot guarantee turnaround times; however, we strive to complete each request in the order that it is received and within 15 business days (or sooner) and/or within government deadlines. Requests are generally processed in the order they the are received. Please note that although we cannot expedite requests, we do assess for urgency and make decisions on processing priorities.

When will a receive a reply?  

We review all email messages each business day, however replies may take up to 3 business days due to the volume of emails and requests we receive daily. Responses may take longer if research is needed.

Certain requests may take longer than expected for research or further inquiry to government agencies. If you have concerns or have not received an update by the 15th business day, feel free to email us at

How do I make a request or can I find out more information about the status of my request?

Most requests can be made through your International Student Services Portal. You can visit the “Requests and Documents” Section once logged in to make a request, check the status of a request, or review any messages from our team.  

You may log back into your International Student Services Portal at any time to check on the status of your application. Within the  International Student Services Portal, under the “Requests and Documents" tab, you will find sections for both “Ongoing Requests” (open) that you have started/submitted and “Completed Requests” (closed).

Request Status Meaning

  • Submitted: A “submitted” status means that your request is in queue to be reviewed for processing. Please be sure to watch MIX email for questions and/or updates concerning your request.
  • Pending or Draft: These statuses mean that you have not submitted your request to our office and your request is  not in queue for processing.
  • Request Clarification: This status means that we have emailed you as we are either missing information or need further documentation to complete your request. Once you have made any necessary changes to your request, you must re-submit the request to re-enter the queue for processing.
  • Approver Review: This status means that your request requires additional information from an approver (typically your academic advisor). Until your academic advisor completes their portion of the request, it will remain in this status and will not be in queue for processing. Any questions about the status of your request should be directed to the academic advisor you sent it to.
  • Completed: This status means that you should have already received an email update (where applicable) about your request being completed.
  • Dismissed: This status means that we either received duplicate requests or we were unable to complete the request. You should have received an email update (where applicable) about your request being dismissed.

How will I know when my request is processed? 

We update students via their MIX email once the request is complete or the issue is resolved. Please be sure to monitor your MIX email for updates, clarifying questions we may have, or additional required documentation.

How can I make an advising appointment? 

The best way to see if you need to speak with an experienced International Student Advisor is to initiate a dialogue through e-mail with us. In your e-mail, please include:

  • a concise explanation of the issue 
  • all relevant/related questions you may have about the issue 
  • Full Name and WVU student ID # (if known)

An International Student Advisor will review your e-mail, conduct any necessary research, review your record(s), include any individuals who may also need to be aware, coordinate a response, and follow up generally within 1-3 business days with a detailed answer that you may refer to. If still needed, we will work with you to schedule an appointment.

I’m a sponsored student, who can I contact?

For sponsored student-related questionsplease email the Office of Sponsored Students at

Is there any other place I can find information?

Absolutely! We update our website frequently. Please be sure to check under the student tab above for more information.